Graphic Design //
Housing Fair Campaign
The Brief //
KeeleSU Housing Fair is an annual event targeted at Higher Education students at Keele University. The brief requested a new approach to engage students who often had multiple concerns when searching for their accommodation. The aim was to increase footfall at the housing fair and provide literature that students can take home to refer to, helping them to make informed choices about their accommodation and educating them about the rights they have as tenants as well as introducing them to approved landlords and properties available to them.
The Response //
I created a campaign featuring bird characters of different colours to represent the diversity of the student body. These bird characters were used to voice the concerns that students had told the union that they had about housing. The design needed to be quick to update year after year with new topics and event dates. I also produced 3D houses to be used as goody bags give-aways at the event. Inside each box was information leaflets, promotional, merchandise and money off vouchers. This new approach resulted in increased footfall at the event and a campaign that went on to be used year after year.